If you’re not making someone else’s life better, you’re wasting your time! 

When Will Smith proclaims this in the following video, his passion just resonates!

What is passion?  The dictionary says it is an intense, driving conviction. 

What’s a conviction.  It’s a strong belief one is commited to, convinced of.   

What is a leader?  One who creates change – takes someone or something somewhere they haven’t been before.

Is passion a requirement of leadership?  No.  I think you can accomplish change without passion.

Will it be effective, sustainable change?  Probably not.  

Is passion a requirement of effective leadership?  It is! 

I believe the first and foremost requirement is passion.  The leader must believe in the cause, the desired change.  And the leader must believe that the change is possible, the person or organization can be taken to that place they haven’t been before. 

It’s all about believing.  It’s all about passion. 

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3 Responses to PASSION

  1. Renee Perry says:

    Great topic, Sheila! Absolutely, believe is the first step in following your heart. My logo is “Believe. Aspire. Reach”…because I agree that believe is the first step, then the second step is Aspire…aspire to who you are and what you desire, and then Reach, you must take action. Unfortunately, we tend to get hung up somewhere along this path, but we need to keep working on it. Because only then can we truly feel fulfillment in life…through all of the up’s and down’s.

  2. Thank you, Renee, for taking the time to read my post and leave a comment. Your comment filled in some empty blanks for myself personally. It truly enriched my message as well.

  3. Pingback: The Power of Passion | Creating Wealth

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